Services Overview
Rupa Engineers is dedicated to serve the needs of customers which are far in advance of the actual purchase of a new cooling tower and vary over the operating lifetime of the project.
In order of probable occurrence, the additional services offered by Rupa Engineers are as follows:
Application/Sizing/Layout Services - Our field application engineers are trained to assist you in choosing the proper type and size of cooling tower and will guide you in the appropriate location on site. They will also help you to write the specifications for its purchase. Being the only manufacturer who makes all types of cooling towers, Rupa Engineers can be totally unbiased in pursuit of your requirement.
Construction Service - We undertakes turnkey responsibility for civil construction and mechanical erection of cooling tower finishing up with the final testing and commissioning of the completed tower.
Parts Service - We maintain stock of spare parts for your specific tower. You will not be at the mercy of an outside vendor, because all the parts required (except for the motor) are designed and manufactured by us
Maintenance Service - In addition to providing complete instructions and continuous guidance, we also provide as much "hands on" maintenance as you require.
Condition Service - From time to time, for your peace of mind, we can carry out a thorough inspection to evaluate its current condition. This usually allows you to foresee and forestall problems before they become serious.Reconstruction Service - Due to operating or atmospheric conditions, or age, sooner or later your tower will be in need of repairs above and beyond those categorised as normal maintenance. Our reconstruction service can bring your tower to Grade A condition.
Performance Improvement Service - Systems served by cooling towers grow in response to demand for the product produced by that system. In most cases, customers find that more product could be produced if the cooling tower were capable of delivering colder water. Fortunately, cooling tower technology advances with time and Rupa Engineers can apply the advance technology to upgrade your tower's thermal performance.
Tower Replacement Service - Occasionally, customers will find it of greater advantage to replace an existing tower than to attempt refurbishing. We stands ready to assist you in that endeavor - and in most cases, the replacement will require little or no change in your concrete basin or support structure.
Cooling Tower Information Service - It is our feeling that the more informed customers are, the more easily their needs can be recognised and served. Regular mailing of technical bulletins works to our mutual advantage